

Electrum and Nebula

The Adventures of Electrum and Nebula pick up some seventeen years after the events of Red Moon Rising. While Silver Girl is still an active super heroine, her story has been told. The daughter of Silver Girl, and The Domina Argenti, are now center stage as the protaganists for a new generation.

Electrum's is a story of a young woman following in her mother's footsteps while trying to carve a path for herself. Nebula's is a story of a woman following her dreams and finding that is a lot harder than it sounds. Both are very different glances at a shared world.

The stories begin entertwined in Electrum Volume 1, and from there were released in a schedule of a volume of Electrum, and then a volume of Nebula, mimicing the format of comic book releases. A shorter series than that of their mother, these stories have an incestuous edge that may not be for everyone. Stories where this is applicable are marked "in" for incest borrowed from the EMCSA's tagging system.


Volume 1: Electrum Impulses mc ff cb in (19,440 words)

Aurora LaSilvas learns what she's capable of and changes her life forever.

  1. Introduction (1,566 words)
  2. An Eventful Day (3,690 words)
  3. Sibling Revelation (3,631 words)
  4. Nebulous Drive (4,216 words)
  5. A Dusty Solution (2,249 words)
  6. Departure (4,088 words)

Volume 2: Roadside Justice mc ff cb (5,428 words)

Aurora is given her first chance at redemption.

Volume 3: The Spiral mc ff cb (3,204 words)

Aurora takes a well deserved rest, and a supervillain is there to help her along.

Volume 4: Hope mc ff cb (3,918 words)

Aurora rushes to fulfill her new purpose, but things get complicated when some local talent introduce themselves.

Volume 5: Hope and Family mc ff cb bd (7,424 words)

Aurora gets to know the woman under Hope's mask, and a link to her mother.

Volume 6: Spiralling Forward mc ff cb ma (6,990 words)

Aurora officially joins Hope's team, and together they meet a familiar opponent.

Volume 7: Unraveling Transmutation and Hopeful Tethering mc ff cb (5,898 words)

Aurora steps into a new role, and Hope stays close as she can.

Volune 8: Company Loyalty mc ff cb ex (13,286 words)

Aurora looks for a job, and finds more than she bargained for.

Volume 9: Floral Engagement mc ff bd in cb (12,727 words)

Aurora is falling for Rebecca more every day. Flora is still torn by the feelings The Spiral made her feel. Both of these troubles are made more difficult with the arrival of a woman linked to Flora's past.

Volume 10: A Magical Evening mc ff cb bd (11,983 words)

Aurora and her friends have a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant.

Volume 11: Out of Time mc ff cb bd ts (14,958 words)

Aurora has revealed her motivations for leaving Midas, but is it her actions or those of a new villain that will decide their fate?

Volume 12: The Lights at the End of the Tunel mc ff cb bd ma (13,571 words)

Time has passed, and Aurora has settled into her new life but secrets threaten to tear that new life apart.





Volume I: The Soaring Phoenix mc ff cb in (19,337 words)

Sylvia is given the opportunity of a lifetime after her sister's betrayal.

  1. Introduction (1,793 words)
  2. Swirls of Light and Mist (3,522 words)
  3. Deep Reflection (4,076 words)
  4. Aural Initiation (2,053 words)
  5. Mistress's Melody (3,470 words)
  6. Mimetic Melody (4,423 words)

Volume II: Free Will's Fermata mc ff cb (5,452 words)

Sylvia meets her band, and seals their shared fate

Volume III: Song and Storm mc ff cb (4474 words)

Symphonic Nebula has their fist gig, and the spotlight goes straight to Sylvia's head.

Volume IV: Nebulous Struggle mc ff cb (3,739 words)

Sylvia learns more about Nina Corvi, and the legacy of mind control left by shadows of her mother's past.

Volume V: Obedience's Refrain mc ff cb (2,838 words)

Sylvia learns that obedience can go so much deeper than she ever imagined, and also what her owner has planned for the future.

Volume VI: Phoenix Coda mc ff cb (4,313 words)

A song ends, and a familiar song plays anew with a louder sound fueled by desperation and hidden feelings.

Volume VII: Ballad of Justice mc ff cb (7,484 words)

Sylvia learns something special about herself and makes a new friend in the process.

Volume VIII: Galvanized Melody mc ff cb (7233 words)

Sylvia learns more about the risks of being a heroine, and dives head first anyway.

Volume IX: Searing White Siren Song of Glory mc ff cb (4,773 words)

Sylvia ponders how safe it is to have a lover without any special powers as the fallout from her confrontation with Christina envelops her.

Volume X: Symphony of Falling Glass mc ff cb (5,994 words)

Sylvia's life has calmed down enough to allow her to be contemplative, but a fearful scream disturbs her fragile peace of mind.

Volume XI: Sex, Drugs, and Mind Control mc ff cb bd ma (9,168 words)

Sylvia is back on the stage, this time under her own control, but threats to that control lurk in the shadows of the most innocent minds.

Volume XII: A Touch Too Much mc ff cb (4,367 words)

Sylvia's life is moving just the way she wants it, but a choice encounter and a development back in Midas both threaten to change that.


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